Ballet Reign
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Spirit. Grace. Excellence.

Ballet Reign

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Ballet in its purest form

Who We Are

Ballet Reign is founded with a vision to instill joy, purity, and wholeness to the future of dance. Founded in Dallas Texas by Jordan and Eden [Ballet Dancers/Instructors, Influencers] from Ballet Reign on YouTube, Ballet Reign Academy aims to provide quality classical ballet training and ballet education for people of all ages to raise the next generation of dancers who will serve the Lord with utmost excellence and become effective witnesses of His greatness.

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Dallas' premiere classical Christian ballet Academy

What We Believe

As a Christian organization, it is our honor to reflect God’s heart in the world of ballet. We value modesty, holiness, godliness, and purity in all manners of the studio, including music, attire, and movement and work hard to represent the beauty and character of Christ through everything we do.

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
— 1 Peter 2:9

Raising dancers for a higher calling

Ballet Reign Academy

Ballet Reign Academy is committed to providing the highest dance education to students of all ages and works to make our studios a place that facilitates learning, growth, and healing. With beautiful clean facilities, patient instruction, and gentle care for each individual, we aim to create a safe place for all people to learn and enjoy the beautiful art of ballet and open opportunities to grow closer to the Lord in every class.

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